Be a smart loser, not a stupid winner!

It’s hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it’s damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person -Bill Murray

c1edb4fe317ea4a12c9cf6c750aaa61fI have met people who would just not accept the fact that they can ever be wrong, they just keep arguing about something they are not really sure about, because they don’t know they are not sure about it. If you are a person who loves peace and tries to keep your surrounding calm, you take a step, stop arguing with such people, try to explain once, or maybe twice! if the opposite person is too stubborn to listen to you, just stop doing it. I’m sure there will be a time when that person understands he was wrong and for god’s sake, I hope he stops arguing at least from that point of time!

Stupid conversations can just spoil your good mood and the complete day. At times you have to learn prioritizing things in life. Be wise enough to decide what is important to you and what is not. Losing an argument doesn’t make you a loser, you are the real winner if you are prioritizing peace over winning a stupid conversation.

So you decide if you want to be the lost winner or the smart loser!

Until next time… ❤



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